The Country Express will play for virtually any type of get together you may be planning, big or small, and we are proud of our reputation as the best country band to dance to in New York's southern tier.  We will even throw in some square dances if you want!

The Country Express had a busy schedule last year playing in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.  Therefore we request that you contact us as soon as possible to schedule your event for 2023.  We hope you have a great year, so check back every so often for schedule updates!


The Country Express has kept its pricing competitive because we enjoy playing, and we will travel any reasonable distance while maintaining standard pricing.



We’ve enjoyed bringing you the best in classic country music. Thank you for your support through the years! I’ve attached a multitude of pictures of the band through the years featuring most of the members of the band. Unfortunately, I don’t have pictures with everyone who has been a part of the band, although I wish I did. Thank you to Rob Laing and Larry Jamieson for putting the band together all those years ago. Thank you to Lori Benkert for suggesting me to be the band’s female lead singer, for believing in me and seeing something in me that I never dreamed possible, and for supporting me as I made that first move to become a part of the band. I’d like to thank each and every person who has played with us full time and those who have stepped in to substitute when it was needed over the years.

Thank you to the different organizations, business and locations we have played for. Without you we wouldn’t have been able to bring such great country music to the people. Special thanks to all of our fans who have supported us, and have come to listen to our music, and dance the night away year after year. YOU made this fun for US! One more extra special thank you goes to my mother. She has been and always will be my #1 fan!

So from some of the very best musicians in our area, Larry Jamieson, John DeMaille, Darlene DeMaille, Ken Whitney, John Thompson and myself, THANK YOU! Saying goodbye to Country Express is bittersweet. We will always hold the fondest of memories of our time with Country Express and with you!

Terri Whitney